Thursday, October 4, 2007

FUSE USA Vice President in Hoyoka Magazine

Sherwood Martinelli is on the Board of directors of FUSE USA and is in a legal battle with the Indian Point nuclear power plant to stop its relicensing. He has almost 20 years of experience in taking on large polluters, and the utility industry. As founder of Save Wills Creek Water Resources Committee, played instrumental roll in seeing a $70 Million clean up of the Shieldalloy site in Ohio, including remediation of over 200 radioactively contaminated homes. As founder of the Guernsey County American Free Tree, he distributed over 400,000 trees to local schools and civic groups. Sherwood has a blog [ ].
Sherwood Martinelli, Vice President of FUSE USA is featured in the latest edition of Heyoka Magazine.
Read the article:

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