Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stop $50 Billion in Nuclear Loan Guarantees

Just in from the Green Nuclear Butterfly:

New day, new petition to stop $50 Billion in Nuclear Loan Guarantees...goal here is one week 1000 signatures, so any help is appreciated. Think it is very important that we have a Petition going into our elected officials here in the North East that is representative of their constituents.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oppose 50 Billion in Nuclear Loan Guarantees

The full court press is on, and the lobbyist for the Nuclear Industry (NEI) are walking the halls of both the house and senate in the hopes of pushing through $50 BILLION in loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors...Green Nuclear Butterfly is giving itself ONE WEEK to collect 1,000 co-signers on our Petition opposing these loan guarantees. Give us a hand by sharing this post, or linking to our Petition on your blog or web site. Post it to your list serves.

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A Serious Infrastructure Crack At Entergy's Indian Point Leaking Tritium Into Our Environment

Oppose 50 Billion in Nuclear Loan Guarantees

All Grassroots Environmental Organizations and Individual Activists
The picture you see is a serious infrastructure crack, and radioactive leak at Entergy's Indian Point. Our children, our spouses, and our parents and relatives are dying from allowable radiological releases of strontium 90, and tritium. No United States home owner can get insurance to cover their personal losses from a nuclear incident or terrorist attack. Now, this failing industry wants to build over 200 new reactors in your neighborhoods, and use your money to pay for it.

The Congress and Senate in committee can give the nuclear industry a blank check in the form of 50 Billion in loan guarantees, or they can strip them out.

Sign The Petition Right Now
Oppose 50 Billion in Nuclear Loan Guarantees
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Newest 1 of 1 signatures
Sherwood Martinelli
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